Canadian Health and Care Mall research: Psychogenic erectile dysfunction

Erection is the simplest and the most genetically old sexual reaction in men. Its mechanism is simple and consists only of the phylogenetically dependent neurogenic and vascular mechanisms. The fact that the erectile function is the most vulnerable among all possible psychological and sexual reactions of men is counterintuitive. The presence of erection is considered the indicator of the “readiness” of men to perform the sexual intercourse and also the possibility of fertilization, the beginning of a new life. In society the scientific term “potency” has slightly different meaning – it is often understood not as the sexual intercourse, but the ability of its performance, a kind of proof of “masculine competency”. Therefore, the erectile dysfunction is seen not only as a disorder, but also as the general masculine weakness and inefficiency.

Erectile dysfunction is primarily an inability to achieve and maintain erection at the level sufficient for the sexual intercourse. Psychogenic erectile dysfunction may occur at any age, and it has a lot of forms. Often men can complain of weak erection that makes it impossible to insert penis into vagina. Sometimes men experience very strong erection that disappears when it comes to sexual intercourse. Sometimes there are cases when a man can achieve the sufficient level of erection only under certain circumstances.

According to data obtained from American and European universities, not less than 80 million of puberal men may suffer from erectile dysfunction. From the age of forty this number grows exponentially.

The causes of erectile dysfunction according to Canadian Health and Care Mall Journal

Some of the failures (the loss of erection “at the crucial moment” or its total absence) may be experienced by any man – it is an entirely understandable phenomenon, and it should be considered as the single episodes. They are not the markers of any sexual problems and may be caused by the external problems, such as the temporary physical strain, psychological factors that result in the tension in the relationship with current or new partner. And if a man considers such moments as a personal failure and starts worrying about the recurrence – he may not get the sufficient level of erection the next time. And this is the ground for appearance of serious psychological difficulties in the relationships with the opposite sex.

So, the most frequent type of psychogenic disorders that leads to erectile dysfunction is the syndrome of anxious preparation to presumable failure. Occasional, so called situational failure like an abrupt reduction or even the absence of erection causes the lack of confidence and result in the unnecessary hyperactive control over the next sexual intercourse. The fear of the next failure – “Will I experience the erection again?”, “Will I b able to satisfy mu partner?” – will probably lead to the reduction of the sexual drive and the ultimate loss of erection. The stronger the anxiety is, the more chance it has to become true (according to the principle of psychological infusion), and a man would certainly experience the real fear of the absence or weakness of erection.
The fear of the absence of erection may also result in the loss of sexual interest. The patient starts avoiding sexual intimacy and loses the ability to seduce the opposite sex and be satisfied with himself. With these symptoms it is important for the partners not to become observers that watch their personal reactions to intimacy. Distracting to the assessment and observing of the process the patient hardly gets pleasure from the sexual intimacy that suppresses his readiness to intimacy even more. Thus, the vicious circle arises: the weak erectile dysfunction causes the fear of the unsuccessful sexual intercourse that requires him to become an observer, and that will certainly distract and promote the erective disorder, accumulating the fear of failures. If this vicious circle is not to be broken, the disruption of the reaction of the body to intimacy will be probably psychologically fixed.

Treatment of sexual dysfunctions

The treatment of erectile disorders comprises pharmacological and psychological therapy. Psychological influence plays one of the major roles in erectile dysfunction treatment. It is aimed at the removing of anxiety of the sexual intercourse and the fear of failure. Until recently the pharmacy used only the treatment of symptomatic character. Patient was prescribed tranquilizers that removed the anxiety for a short period of time. The placebo effect was also used in medicine and had certain success. The approach to treatment of erectile dysfunction of psychological type changed within last 10 years. This is due to the appearance of the PDE-5 inhibitors in pharmacology that are used for treatment of erectile dysfunctions of various nature.. Although this kind of treatment is of pathogenetic character, it produces strong vascular effect. The placebo effect is also necessary, as the patient always relies upon the effect of medications and thus relaxes in mind before the sexual intercourse.

Inhibitors are prescribed up to the moment when the natural psychological protection of the patient is fully restored. It is important to remember that the strong unconscious fear reduces even the strong effect of inhibitors due to the genital arteries imbalance and the biochemistry in cavernous tissue. This is the case when patients are simultaneously prescribed the psychotherapy session. PDE-5 are widely used by men of different ages, but it is necessary to consult the doctor before use to minimize the risk of side effects or the idiosyncrasy of the drug.

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